The Political Affairs is a new digital platform which as its primary goal wants to merge the interests of academics, young professionals, policymakers and the general public. Today’s major challenges require valid information and ideas presented in a way that can offer possible solutions and energize the audience to create changes.

The attempt to make accurate and exciting news supported by academic theories and relevant facts has always been a challenge for political journalism. The Political Affairs focuses precisely on this problem and wants to contribute to the creation of informed global citizens. Information from top academics and scholars in domestic and foreign policy will be presented in a suitable context and analysis that will be appropriate for the modern reader. The scope of the topics will cover international relations, domestic politics and the stories of the emerging global citizens who are leaders in the new era. The fight for human rights, freedom of speech and social rights are still on the agenda, supplemented by the economic, cultural, technological and climate challenges of modern society.

The new digital hub will present news via our website where you can express your opinions in the comments of our texts and on our social media platforms. We want to see engaged and conscious citizens who have the vision to cope with modern challenges. The overwhelming amount of information and the constant struggle for our attention led to the creation of filter bubbles, stereotypes and fake news that cemented the political division where the middle ground and the possibility of an informed debate do not exist.

The only way to deal with this challenge is through non-partisan, fact-checked and non-attributed content, which in the long run will produce an informative society. Therefore, active, engaged and informed citizens are needed that will inspire others to create better communities for all.

We are your news feed. Be Informed!